[44] Théodore Turquet de Mayerne, Sir Theodore de Mayerne, Pictoria, sculptoria et quae subalternarum artium, unpublished manuscript, 1620–1646. British Library Digitised Manuscripts, Sloane Ms. 2052, last accessed 25 April 2020, https://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/FullDisplay.aspx?ref=Sloane_MS_2052. The Artechne database features a full rough digital transcript: https://artechne.hum.uu.nl/node/94995. The “Mayerne manuscript” was first mentioned in Eastlake, Materials for a History of Oil Painting. Modern editions and translations: Berger, Quellen für Maltechnik; Versini and Faidutti, Le Manuscrit de Turquet de Mayerne; Van de Graaf, Het De Mayerne Manuscript; Rinaldi, Pittura, Scultura e Delle Arti Minori; Fels, Lost Secrets of Flemish Painting. On De Mayerne and the “Mayerne Manuscript” MS Sloane 2052, see e.g., Trevor-Roper, “De Mayerne and his Manuscript”; Trevor-Roper, Europe’s physician; Kern, “The Art of Conservation I: Theodore de Mayerne”; Parmentier, “Le réseau au cœur de la méthodologie de Théodore de Mayerne”; Boulboullé, “Drawn up by a Learned Physician from the Mouths of Artisans.” All French transcriptions cited in this essay are based on Berger’s edition and compared & corrected against the original folios by Jenny Boulboullé and Jurjen Munk. All English translations are by the authors.